Is your home feeling a little under the weather? And how can you tell?
We all know what it's like when we're not feeling our best selves (and let's face it, that's usually in winter) but what about our homes?
On our Healthy Home hub you’ll find some quick, easy and low-cost ways you can make sure your home feels in tip top condition this winter and what to do when you notice something isn’t quite right.
Don't worry, usually the treatment is a few quick and easy changes in and around the home. Every now and then it might be something a bit more serious, but don't worry - that's what we're here for. Just let us know and we'll come and investigate.
What can you do to keep your home in its prime this winter? Do the below and use our handy checklists too!

- Leave a few inches between your furniture and the walls to let your walls breathe a bit
- If you're drying laundry indoors, make sure it's in a room with a running extractor fan
- If you've got trickle vents on your windows, keep them open all year round. But be sure to check for a running extractor fan and follow these next three steps:
- Running extractor fan = close your trickle vents
- No running extractor fan = open your trickle vents
- If your windows don't have trickle vents, don't worry - open your windows and lock them in the vent position and it'll do the same job
- Did you know that it's recommended you keep your home heated to between 18c and 21c? Don't let the temperature drop below 16c for long periods to keep your home healthy
- Try avoid using your loft for storage as this can disturb insulation and cause could spots where moisture gathers
- Dust mites love damp, mouldy conditions. Bedding, cushions and carpets should be frequently cleaned or hoovered, and mattresses flipped to help remove mites
- Don't use Calor gas or paraffin heaters. Not only are these not allowed inside your home, but they also produce a lot of moisture which is released into the air
- Enjoy a hot shower or bath? Make sure the door is closed to let your extractor fan do its thing
- Keep your wall mounted extractor fans always on in kitchens and bathrooms. They cost very little to run - just take a look at these quick facts...
£ a year to run your bathroom extractor fan. That’s around 2p a day!
% less steam if you throw in a bit of cold first when running your bath
Damp and mould symptom checker
Some quick, easy and low cost ways to reduce the chances of damp and mould in your home, and what to do if you spot any.

House looking a little tired?
We've got a tonne of information on some easy home repairs and maintenance in one handy place for you.

10-minute challenge
Take our 10-minute healthy home challenge with some quick checks you can do to see if your home's healthy for the winter.

User guides and manuals
Need help with boilers, solar panels and other heating systems? Check out our handy user guides.

Cost of living
If you're worried about heating your home or not sure if there are any benefits or tax relief schemes you can apply for, we've got everything you need to know here.

Health and safety
Everything you need to know about health and safety in your home. From gas, fire and water to asbestos and electrical.

Looking for something else?
Our healthy home hub is packed full of tips and info to keep your home feeling its best self this winter but maybe you're after something else.
You can also find out more in our handy leaflet.