If you’re not feeling right, everything can feel like an uphill struggle. It’s sometimes hard to find the energy and motivation to make changes to your life. But, we’re here to help you turn things around and get you feeling your best self again.
How we can help you
You might be struggling with an addiction or anxiety could be having a big impact on your quality of life. Or maybe living with pain is stopping you from reaching your full potential. Our coaches will work with you to come up with an action plan and point you in the right direction to help you get the specialist support you need.

Recognising you’ve got a problem with addiction is the first step on the road to recovery. And it can be scary to ask for help, but that’s what we’re here for. We can refer you to experts in dealing with addiction issues and work with you to develop an independence plan to help keep you on track and stay in your own home.
Domestic abuse
Making sure you feel safe in your home is really important to us. We want to know if you’re experiencing domestic abuse – there’s lots we can do to help. It’s not your fault and you’re not alone.
From practical things like improving the security of your home to working with you and external professional agencies to make sure you get the support you need, we’ll be with you every step of the way. And if you do need to move home for you to feel safe, we can help with that too.
Find out more about how we support our customers who’re experiencing domestic abuse.
Mental health
Poor mental health can have a big impact on all areas of your life, including your relationships, your ability to work and your finances. It can make life feel overwhelming, and you might be finding it hard to cope.
Our coaches can put you in touch with mental health professionals who can give you the specialist, one-to-one support you need. We can work with you to help you set some personal goals and create an action plan that’ll help you achieve them. Things like improving your diet, doing more exercise or joining a support group can make a big difference.
Physical health
Most of us take our physical health for granted. It’s only when something goes wrong that we realise how important it is to stay fit and healthy. If you’re worried about your health, our coaches are here to help. We’ll work with you to help you set realistic goals and give you advice on things like diet and exercise plans.
Talk to our coaches
If you’re worried about your health and wellbeing, please don’t suffer in silence. Just fill in our form and one of our team will be in touch for a confidential chat.

There’s loads of other info and support available if you’re finding things tough.
Here's some handy links to get you started:
Mental health support - Mind UK
Info from the NHS about eating a healthy, balanced diet - Eat well
Domestic abuse support - Women's Aid
Domestic abuse men's charity - Mankind
Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
And if you need help now, you can get in touch with the organisations below:
Samaritans or call 116 123 any day, any time
CALM (The Campaign Against Living Miserably)
Shout or text SHOUT to 85258
Looking for something else?
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