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Yorkshire Housing complaints forum

Whether you’ve had a good or bad experience, we want you to tell us all about it! But it doesn’t stop there, our complaints forum is for customers who want to get involved in making changes based on the complaints we get. It’s a group that help us improve things for you and other customers who might be feeling the same way.

A chance to have your say

The group meets once a month to look over all our customer complaints from the previous month. Their job is to tell us what’s not working well and make sure we’re keeping our promises about the things we said we’d fix!

Complaints can be about anything – but the most important thing is that we take the criticism on the chin, make improvements and learn lessons so we don’t make the same mistakes again.


Joining the complaints forum

By joining the group, you’ll have the chance to:

  • Influence the decisions we make
  • Make sure we’re keeping our promises and meeting the standards we’ve set for dealing with complaints
  • Gain new skills, knowledge and experience to boost your CV
  • Meet new people, make new friends and boost your confidence


If you’re a Yorkshire Housing customer, you’re in!  We’d love any of our customers, from all ages and backgrounds, to get involved.

As a member of the complaints forum, you’ll look at all the complaints we’ve received in the previous month and join our complaint forum meetings. Every month we’ll send you a couple of recent complaint cases to look at, and a couple of easy-to-read reports on the main themes of the complaints we’ve had.

You can read these in your own time before the meeting. Some members of the group also like to make a few notes to bring with them to the meeting.

We have meetings once a month, but don’t worry if you can’t make every meeting – just come along to as many as you can and let us know when you can’t make it.

The meetings are online on Microsoft Teams. If you need help or support with getting online, just drop us an email and we’ll help get you sorted.  All our meetings are held on weekday evenings between 5pm and 6:30pm to fit around your other plans.

Being a Yorkshire Housing customer is all the experience you need to join! You don’t need to have any experience or a background in complaints to join the forum. We want feedback from everyone, even if you’ve never seen or made a complaint before.

To make sure you feel comfortable when joining, you’ll have an induction with our team to get you started. It’s always nice to have a familiar face on your ‘first day’! Once you’re up and running you’ll also get training on complaints and the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code, so you’ll understand the standards we’ve promised to meet.

The complaints champion for our customer voice and review committee (CVRC) joins the complaints forum meetings.  Their job is to take all the feedback to the CVRC, who decide what actions to take. And of course, we’ll let you know what’s happened with every complaint and what changes we’ve made.

The complaints forum also completes the Complaint Handling Code self-assessment every year and reports the results back to our Board to make sure we’re meeting the standards we’ve promised to meet.

The complaints forum in action

The complaints forum highlighted to our customer voice and review committee (CVRC) some repeated failures in services around day-to-day repairs.  So, the CVRC commissioned an in-depth review of the repair service and came up with a set of recommendations which are now being used to shape our future repairs service.

How to join the complaints forum

Simply fill out our Get involved form to join the complaints forum or drop us a line. 

If you need help with joining the group or if you want to find out more before signing up, just let us know. We’re happy to help!

If you don’t fancy our complaints forum, there’s plenty of other opportunities to get involved! Check out our customer voice and review committee and our Your Voice Matters group.