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How mediation resolved a neighbour dispute in Leeds

How we used mediation to resolve a neighbour dispute in Leeds 

Sometimes, the relationship between neighbours breaks down so badly that they stop speaking to each other. We use mediation to bring them together to talk through their problems and come up with a solution. 

We work with people who’re specially training in dealing with difficult discussions between two opposing sides, and we’ve got lots of really good examples of how mediation’s worked. Here’s a story from one of our properties in Leeds. 

You’ve got to share some space with others when you’re living in a block of flats, things like stairwells, hallways and outside space. And when people share communal areas it can sometimes lead to arguments.  

This was the case for four neighbours in Leeds. They were making accusations against each other for all kinds of antisocial behaviour including:   

  • drug use in the flats
  • doors constantly banging
  • fire doors being propped open (a big safety no-no)
  • rude gestures and swearing

The situation was getting worse, and they’d stopped speaking to each other. Things were reaching breaking point when we brought in an independent mediation company to try and resolve the problems. They got everyone together to talk about their problems and try and sort out their differences.  

Mediation isn’t an easy process and at one point it looked like the meeting might have to end. But it gave everyone a chance to get things off their chest, and it wasn’t long before they started making progress. 

By the end of the meeting everyone shook hands and agreed to work together to make home a happier and safer place for everyone, and they’ve not had a problem since!

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