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Tackling antisocial behaviour in Leeds

How we used a closure order to tackle extreme antisocial behaviour in Leeds 

Sometimes noise and antisocial behaviour is so serious, the police and local council step in and stop the problems while we’re going through the eviction process.  This is what’s called a closure order. 

They can get permission from a magistrate’s court to close down a property, meaning nobody can go inside or live there, including the owner or person that lives there. Here’s a story from one of our properties in Leeds. 

Some of our customers’ lives were being severely disrupted by an inconsiderate neighbour.  She had loads of visitors, there was lots of shouting and swearing, open drug dealing and using, and all-night partying and disturbances. It was a total nightmare for the other residents. 

We started by giving her warnings, then we got the courts involved but nothing stopped the crime and antisocial behaviour. So, we went to Leeds Council Antisocial Behaviour Unit for help and they used their powers and our evidence to get a closure order. We were able to close the property down until the eviction notice came through.   

It’s a great example of how we work with other agencies to stop serious harm and nuisance, and make sure our customers feel safe in their own homes.

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