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07 October 2022

A "big day out" indeed!

Colleagues recently spent a day volunteering across Yorkshire as part of a community action day.

Volunteers came together to speak to customers about the cost of living and to see if they needed any further support as we head into winter. They also got their hands dirty with litter picking, cleaning children’s play areas, planting shrubs, and even building some planters so locals can grow their own fruit and vegetables!

We received amazing feedback from residents like these people in Pellon, Halifax, who were really grateful for what the volunteers’ had done:

“At a time when things are a struggle, it was great to see people pulling together to achieve great things. We appreciate Yorkshire Housing coming to us and asking if there was anything we needed to support with the cost of living. Some residents can feel lonely and seeing new faces can make a big difference to their day.”

“This is the best place we’ve ever lived, we love it here. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. The kids play area is great and the car park is well maintained.”

 “Yorkshire Housing is the best landlord. If we won the lottery we wouldn’t want to move anywhere else. The value for money is great and we get so much space for the rent we pay.”

Our Chief Exec Nick Atkin was among those speaking to customers and getting stuck in with litter picking and planters. He said it was that much of a success, that he wants to do it all again, but on an even bigger scale:

“The Big Day Out was a fantastic celebration and gave us a really timely reminder of the impact that Yorkshire Housing makes on the lives of so many of our customers.

“I had some fab conversations with a cross section of our customers and there was an overwhelming appreciation of what Yorkshire Housing are doing, not only in terms of the work we did, but also the proactive approach of knocking on doors and asking if there was anything we could do to help.

“And now, as a direct result of The Big Day Out, I can exclusively reveal that we are going to do an all-company day out, at a time and a date to be announced, but that will see all 710 of our colleagues out and about, meeting our customers and making an even bigger difference.”

Interested in volunteering with Yorkshire Housing? Get involved!