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How we can help

Find out more about the support we offer if you contact us about abuse or neglect

We want all our customers to feel safe at home. If you tell us you’re experiencing abuse, neglect or harm, or you think someone else might be, we’ll do what we can to help.

We’re here to give you support and advice, but the person experiencing abuse is always in the driving seat. We’ll never force them to do anything they’re not comfortable with.

There’s lots of different ways we can help, including

  • Putting together safety plans to help you stay safe
  • Working with local councils, charities and voluntary organisations to get you the help you need
  • Linking you up with the right people, experts in safeguarding who can give you specialist support (we know it can be hard to explain what you’ve seen or experienced, but we can help you with that too)
  • Taking enforcement action
Two hands reaching for each other

Get in touch with us

The chances are if you’ve experienced or witnessed abuse or neglect, you may feel worried about talking to us.  We understand and we know it’s a big step. We also want you to know we’ve got your back and we’ll do everything we can to keep you safe.

You can tell us the safest ways for us to contact you. Any conversations we have will be in private, and if we need to meet you, we’ll agree a safe location. 

There are times when we’ll have to pass information on for legal reasons. But don’t worry, we’ll always speak to you first before we do anything.

Give us a call: 0345 366 4404

Email us: safeguarding@yorkshirehousing.co.uk  

If you want to speak to us in your own language, that’s no problem. Just let us know and we can get someone to help translate.