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08 February 2023

Early intervention helps Yorkshire Housing customer get on top of potential hoarding issue

Following a routine fire safety test at one of our independent living schemes, our facilities team raised concerns about one of our customers, David. His home was very cluttered, to the extent that it was having a negative impact on his health, wellbeing and safety. But sadly, he felt too embarrassed to ask for help and was worried about being judged.

Some challenging personal circumstances and health issues had led to him feeling overwhelmed by the growing amount of clutter in his home, but he was lacking the motivation to do anything about it, even though it was making him unhappy.

With some gentle coaching and reassurance, and by taking a non-judgemental approach, our scheme manager eventually built up enough trust and was allowed into David’s home to help.  Together they came up with a plan of action, with ‘Little and often’ the motto.  With daily check-ins, moral support and encouragement, he started carrying out one small task every day, things like doing a load of laundry, dusting a couple of shelves, or putting a bag of rubbish out.

Within just a few days, the difference was remarkable.  David was starting to feel more confident and empowered, and his home had been transformed into a place where he could relax and feel more at ease.  The change also had a big impact on his mental wellbeing. He used to be ashamed of letting visitors into his home, but he’s now able to have friends and family over to visit, so is no longer feeling as lonely or isolated.

Our Independent Living Scheme Manager said:

“Spotting warning signs that something’s not quite right early on and providing the right kind of support can prevent a situation from getting out of control, and to the point where a formal safeguarding intervention is needed.  

“We all have times in our lives when we need some extra help, and sometimes a little bit of kindness, compassion and practical support is all that’s needed to get someone back on track. We’re all incredibly proud of what David’s achieved.”

Our Help at Hand team are now providing additional support to help David keep up the good work and continue to develop his independence and confidence.  A fantastic result all round!

If you’re concerned or worried about someone, don’t be afraid to report your safeguarding concerns here.  You might not be 100% sure something’s not right, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.